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Level-up Your Current SDR Team.

Level-up up your current SDR team to improve their cold outreach skillsets, stay up to date on best practices, & properly leverage emerging AI tools.

If you are wanting to book more meetings, increase conversion rates, and improve the overall effectiveness of your team – Sales Dojo's Corporate Training is for your team.

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Top companies trust Sales Dojo
to train their SDRs

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Curriculum Overview

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Case Open Pitch Development
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ICP Research & Outreach Strategies
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Tone and Voice Fluctuation
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Gatekeepers & Getting to Decision Makers
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LinkedIn Profile Optimization
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White Glove Treatment —
Increasing Show Rates
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Email Prospecting Best Practices
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Time Blocking & Call Blocks
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Customized Objection Handling
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Sequence Optimization
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1:1 Call Reviews & Feedback
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Call Backs, Voicemails, &
Nurturing Prospects

SDR Management

1:1 Meeting Enhancement to amplify SDR growth, drive quota attainment, and establish long-term performance.

Develop Motivating Incentives that align with current business objectives and stimulate rapid expansion.

Customized Outreach Sequencing to automate manual tasks, improve response rates and amplify the efficacy of the sales team’s efforts.

Establish Daily KPIs to provide clear daily tasks &benchmarks for measuring your team’s performance

Call → Set → Close Evaluation to statistically diagnose disconnects between skill set and lead quality.

Follow-up Meetings to review team members’ performance and provide feedback for continued performance and ongoing improvements.

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Results &

Our graduates’ performance is why our program is the leading sales development training in the industry. Reach the full potential of your SDRs by investing in their skillset and development. We will help you lay a foundation for consistent month-over-month growth and while also decreasing your team’s turnover rate.
The percentage of our graduates who consistently rank among the TOP 10% of performers on their sales teams.
The notable increase in demos scheduled by our SDRs who complete our program.
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What our Partners
say about us

5 stars rating

Dojo’s comprehensive program has made a significant impact. Their ability to engage our team resulted in a remarkable transformation that has improved productivity, leading to increased qualified leads, meetings, and new business. I wholeheartedly endorse Dojo to any organization seeking to optimize their sales efforts.

rob holt photo
Rob Holt
VP of Sales
5 stars rating

Dojo’s comprehensive program has made a significant impact. Their ability to engage our team resulted in a remarkable transformation that has improved productivity, leading to increased qualified leads, meetings, and new business. I wholeheartedly endorse Dojo to any organization seeking to optimize their sales efforts.

megan photo
 Megan Prince
VP of Sales


We recognize the challenges of busy schedules and meetings and are able to customize a training schedule that works best for your team.

  • Monday - Thursday
  • 90-Minute Classes (remote)
  • Customized time schedule for 3 week block
  • 2 Weeks — SDR Training
  • 1 Week — Leadership / Process Development

Week 1

Day 1: Mindset: Start with WHY - Simon Sinek, Sales Psychology (Why vs. What)

Day 2
: Mindset: Extreme Ownership in Sales - Building Habits, Confidence, & Mentality of Top Performers

Introduction to Replay AI software     

Day 3: Pitch Development: Case Open Intro, & Company Research, Using Your Own Words

Day 4: Pitch Development: Voice Tonality Training, Power Statements, Human vs. Robot

Week 2

Day 5: Objection Handling: Objection Frameworks, Correct Mindset,Active Listening, Empathy

Day 6: Objection Handling Cont: Customer Discovery, Re-Personalization, Consultant vs. Sales Rep

Day 7: Top Performer Processes: Email & LinkedIn Prospecting, White Glove Treatment (increasing show rates)

Day 8: Top Performing Processes: White Glove Treatment (increasing show rates), Compound Effect

Week 3

Day 9: Sequence Optimization: Review Outreach sequencing, email templates

Day 10: Call → Connect → Set Ratios: Intro to Sales Math, Self-Diagnosing Data, People, & Process

Day 11: Establishing Daily KPIs: Identifying Performance Indicators, Setting Daily Standards

Day 12: 1:1 Coaching & Meeting Enhancement:
Quota Reviews, Motivating & Incentivizing Sales Reps


Setting up set intervals to conduct performance evaluation, process stickiness, & Q/A session.

Typically conducted on a monthly or quarterly basis.


Training requires a minimum of 3 SDRs for a custom cohort.
Quickly improve your team’s performance like never before.
We will ensure your team is capable of driving growth for a quick ROI.

Let us help you level-up your current or incoming SDR Team.